Solo Hiking 9 days in the Dolomites in Fall

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In October 2022 I hiked a part of the Alta Via 2 route in the Dolimites, Italy. My route started at Passo Rodella (1870m) where I headed into the Peitlerkofelgruppe. I camped in Val della Roa just past Forcella della Roa (2617m). The second day I headed into the Puezgruppe and camped near the peak of Sass da Ciampac (2667m). Day 3 I headed down to Passo Gardena (2121m) and up into Gruppo del Sella into the fog. I passed Refugio Franco Cavazza al Piscidù (2587m) and headed through the snow to Refugio Boè without seeing a single person. On day 4 the weather had cleared and I headed down to Passo Pordoi from where I drove to Gruppo della Marmolada only to find out my originally planned route was closed off due to recent avalanche activity last summer. Plan B: I drove to Malga Ciapela, and headed up to Pas de Ombreta (2702m) on the backside of the Marmolada Gruppo. I spent the night at Bivacco Marco Dal Bianco. Day 5: Trail E650