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Podobni Video posnetki:
Everything you need to know about dynamic colorful Coquina Clams - Sea shells
Coquina Clams (Donax variabilis) are a common sight on east coast beaches. They...
7 facts everyone should know - The American Bull Frog
The American Bullfrog: Lithobates catesbeianus is the largest native frog in the...
the Pine Barrens of New Jersey - Understanding an ecological treasure
The Pine Barrens of New Jersey is the largest remaining tract of Atlantic Coasta...
Alarming decline in Amphibians Species - Appalachian 0ral history
Dale Gallimore a lifelong farmer in Southwest Virginia shares his experience and...
species of concern - Many states have links for reporting Eastern Box Turtle sightings
While hiking the Appalachian Trail in Northern Virginia I came across this male ...
Za številne Ljubljančane je Šmarna gora sinonim za gibanje, zdravo življenje, sončne vzhode, okusne miške, pobeg iz mestnega vrveža, hrib s pridihom svetega. Na 669 metrov visoko vzpetino menda vodi ducat poti, najbolj priljubjena pa je gotovo tista 'čez korenine.' Sama sem tokrat v avto vrgla čelado in samovarovalni komplet ter se podala po Pogačnikovi poti, ki je označena kot zelo zahtevna plezalna pot. Če se odločiš za to možnost, se ti bo gotovo povišal srčni utrip, vrtoglave pa lahko pomirim, da samega plezanja pravzaprav ni veliko. ;)