Slimy Salamanders and their SLIME defense

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Slimy Salamanders release a very sticky secretion in order to deter predation! This slime is unusually sticky and will literally glue dirt and particles to your skin and require several handwashing to remove the glue like stain. Slimy salamanders (Plethedon glutinosus)can be found across most of the eastern United States except Florida. The word Plethedon means 'plenty of teeth' refering to tiny teeth in the back of their mouths. Slimy salamanders are lungless salamanders and breath through their skins . There are more than sixteen species of Slimy Salamanders. They can be identified by their dark blue black color covered with silver/white speckles. They are generally nocturnal and feed on small invertebrates in the leaf litter. They lay eggs on land an lack a gilled newt or tadpole-like stages making them completely terrestrial. Salamander skin is very sensetive and you should handle them minimally. If you do pick one up you should wet your hands first. My channel is dedicated to environmental education. I love teaching about biology and natural history. I encourage outdoor learning through exploration outdoors.