Slap Peričnik v objemu ledu in snega

Podobni Video posnetki:
Why I haven't been skiing in Gore-Tex lately
and how great it is. A whole new world.Thumbnail photo by Anders Vestergård Møll...
The New Black Crows Anima (how it skis compared to the old one)
Got a few months with this ski under my feet now and this is how they feel.Check...
NOKep7 - The Spiciest Line of 2020
Blood red heavens and trying to ski early season lines that gave me the shakes. ...
NOKep6 - The Big Chasm
A foot powered mission into the belly of the beast. Through the polar night in L...
NOKep5 - The ladies are back: skiing steep, dark, icy chute with lots of cliffs. In snow storm.
The sun has stopped rising in the arctic of Norway, and we team up with Merrick ...
Slap Peričnik je eden od najbolj obiskanih slapov v Sloveniji. Pravzaprav sta slapova 2, zgornji je visok 16, spodnji pa 52 metrov. Oba slapova sta poznana tudi po tem, da se lahko pod njima sprehodite.