Slap Kropa

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5th October 2019 | Tueneset, Aalesund, Norway
Film: Tueneset, Aalesund, Norway - 5th October 2019.From a flight around the WW2...
3th October 2019 | Emblemsvaagen, Aalesund, Norway
Film: Emblemsvaagen, Aalesund, Norway - 3th October 2019.From a flight testing o...
3th October 2019 | Fauske, Sykkylven, Norway
Film:Fauske, Sykkylven, Norway - 3th October 2019.From a flight around the area ...
2th October 2019 | Stavset, Aalesund, Norway
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Aarset, Aalesund, Norway- 2th October 2019
Film: Aarset, Aalesund, Norway- 2th October 2019From a flight around the area og...
Slap Kropa
Hudourniški potok v Dolini Voje izvira iz skalne votline in napolni manjše jezero do 12 metrov globoko, razdeljeno v tolmun. Nižje se slapišče z mogočnim pretokom počasi umirja in se po razmeroma kratki, toda bučni poti izteče v potok Mostnico ... ...