Slap Govic

Podobni Video posnetki:
line F | blocco 17 | sector dos Dei Aser | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:
100 DELFINO | line B | blocco 17 | sector Fiume | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:
line C | blocco 7 | sector 18:12 | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide: -...
line H TRINCIAPOLLI | blocco 2 | sector 18 12 | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide: -...
line C | blocco 9 | sector lago | Daone Boulder
video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:
Slap Govic
Hudourniški slap z izvirom in divjo strugo nad Bohinjskim jezerom v južnem pobočju Pršivca med predelom Voket in Bari ... ...