SicherAmBerg - Bergwandern 07 - Warum regelmäßige Pausen wichtig sind!

Podobni Video posnetki:
CLOSED) Free Ultralight Pack
CONGRATS to Rebecca Kitchen, the winner of the UL Pack giveaway! Thank you all f...
I Almost Impaled Myself
Mt. Hood National Forest 7/15/2019 Final Episode of the lost footage00:00 Intro ...
This Trip Has Been A Lot More Exciting Than I Thought It Would Be
THREE SISTERS WILDERNESS, OREGONThis is the 2nd episode of the 'lost footage' fr...
Appalachian Trail 10 Minute Thru-hike
If you'd rather not watch 44 episodes or a 70 minute movie, hopefully this video...
More Of My Dumbest Backpacking Mistakes
00:00 Hey y'all00:26 Not Carrying Anti-Diahrreal 01:36 Hiking Mt. Katahdin In Th...
Rechtzeitige Rast dient der Erholung, dem Genuss der Landschaft und der Geselligkeit. Essen und Trinken sind notwendig, um Leistungsfähigkeit und Konzentration zu erhalten. Isotonische Getränke sind ideale Durstlöscher.