
Podobni Video posnetki:
Skrivnostna sled
Skrivnostna sledStrmo in poraščeno pobočje zahodneje nad strugo potoka Bezdena i...
V izviru Savice
V izviru SaviceNaj bo zabeleženo, 29. oktobra 1985 z malim gumijastim čolnom pre...
RepkovcaPoraščeno področje ob divji strugi Male Suhe južno nad Bohinjskim jezero...
StudorŠiroki greben z gozdnim vrhom na skrajnem jugozahodu Pokljuke. Travnata pr...
17. Spominski pohod
17. Spominski pohodČlani Planinske sekcije LIP počastimo v spomin pohod Francetu...
Of the three disciplines of transceiver searching, probing, and shoveling, it's often shoveling that takes up the most time. For the average burial depth of 0.5m, a good 1.5 square meters of snow has to be moved. We show you how to shovel efficiently using the right strategy as well as the clearing function!