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| City trip 2015 - Genoa, Italy A short video trip to the city of Genoa, Italy. Beautiful streets, a great harbo... |
| Cotopaxi, 5897m, Summit Climb, ECUADOR Climbing Ecuadors most famous mountain, the volcano Cotopaxi with 5897m, near La... |
| Illiniza Norte, 5126m, Summit Climb ECUADOR Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/yourdailymilkTwitter:http://www.twitter.com/yo... |
| Pasochoa, 4200m, Volcano Summit Climb ECUADOR Hiking tour to Pasochoa Mountain.Pasochoa is a beautiful, 4199 meters (13776 ft)... |
| Guagua Pichincha, 4.784m, Ecuador Climbing th beautiful and mostly easy to ascent Guagua Pichincha Volcano,. Stand... |
Opis: Meine Serie rund um die Bedienung des TwoNav „Aventura 2“ GPS-Gerätes und der dazugehörigen Planungs-Software „Land“.
► TwoNav Aventura 2: https://amzn.to/34Jncf9 (★) ► Batterieadapter: https://amzn.to/32jOcyO (★)