Sestreljeno letalo

Podobni Video posnetki:
Fame - BD Athlete Adam Ondra
When BD Athlete Adam Ondra boots up at the base of a route, rest assured there’s...
Adam Ondra—The Balkans Road Trip - Black Diamond Presents
From establishing a beautiful 9a+ in Bosnia during the Drill and Chill festival ...
Tobin Seagel—Moving Through Mountains - Black Diamond Presents
“You’ve got to earn these turns yourself,” writes BD Athlete Tobin Seagel. This ...
Trim Your Black Diamond Splitboard Skins
Designed for epic splitboard excursions, the new GlideLite Splitboard Mix STS sk...
Introducing Black Diamond Forged Climbing Denim—Featuring Hazel Findlay
Redefining climbing denim one stem at a time, Black Diamond's new Forged Denim u...
Sestreljeno letalo
Sestrelitev manjšega vojaškega letala po že končani drugi svetovni vojni, zahodno na pobočju Ilovca je domačinom tisto jesen spremenila vsakdanjik in močno vplivala na politične dogodke tistega časa ... ...