Scramble + Rappel - Climbing Mount Thielsen

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Mount Thielsen is an extinct shield volcano in the High Cascades of Southern Oregon, just north of Crater Lake. At 9,184 feet, it towers over the area, and deserves its nickname: 'The Lightening Rod of the Cascades.' Our 17 mile, 4000 vert climb starts at the Howlock Mountain Trailhead and follows the trail up to the Pacific Crest Trail where we camped at Thielsen Creek, under the shadow of the glacier. The next day, we followed the PCT until the junction with the NW Ridge, and began the scramble to Chicken Ledge. From there, it is a solid 5.3 grade free climb up the summit pinnacle, with a 80 foot rappel back down. Our climb was completed in mid July of 2022.