Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music | Germany

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Kud Bled projekcija
Beograd, Srbija, 2017
Glasba: Србија Сања Илић и Балканика- Beogradska trdnjava- Cerkev Sv. Save- Hiša...
Kud Bled, 2016, 70 let
Vodi nas ritem srca....
Z muzejskim vlakom po Bohinjski progi in na ogled Goriških brd, 7.11.2015
S KUD Bled smo se na prelepo soboto odpeljali na izlet z muzejskim vlakom po Boh...
Oktober je fest' na Bled' 2014
KUD Bled prireja narodnozabavni večer - Oktober je fest' na Bled'... Dogajalo se...
Germany is one of the most scenic countries in the world. Enjoy this 4K relaxation film across the Germany's most beautiful regions. From the majestic Bavarian Alps to the countless enchanting castles, Germany's landscapes have so many places waiting to be explored.