SaubaBleim Gewinnspiel - Das sind die Gewinner!

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The over hand knot is used to connect two ropes, and is an important knot in alp...
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Reading and interpreting topographic maps correctly, mountain weather, and consi...
Guide to Prusik knots: Knot techniques for alpine climbing – Tutorial (15/43)
The Prusik knot is a friction hitch knot that is used as an individual anchor wh...
Body belay at the belay station: Advantages & disadvantages – Tutorial (19/43)
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Rope team procedure: Partner check, correct clipping & belay stations – Tutorial (9/43)
From important knots, to belaying, to rappelling at the end of the tour... learn...
In diesem Video ist es endlich soweit. Wir losen die Gewinner vom SaubaBleim Gewinnspiel aus. Ob ihr gewonnen habt? Das erfahrt ihr in diesem Video:

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