Podobni Video posnetki:
Ferata HZS 2020
Krásne vytečené vodopády ľadom. V zime sa sem oplatí, boli sme tu sami....
Munții Făgăraș | Balea Lac
Perfektne miesto na skialpovy vylet v Rumunsku....
Na tri krale 2020
Silvestrovska Krizna
Test GOPRO 8 | Krizna 29 12 2019
The ORTOVOX SAFETY ACADEMY was established to help you do this. With selected partner mountaineering schools, we have developed a training concept in which experts pass their knowledge on to you. The goal of our SAFETY ACADEMY is to transport dry avalanche theory to the field and allow this knowledge to be solidified there. In this way, we convey vital information about how avalanches occur and provide tips on optimal tour planning, correct behavior on tour, and the perfect rescue method. For each level of knowledge, we offer three different course types with contents perfectly tailored to you, whether you’re a tourer or a freerider!