Rund um die Kackenköpfe R | Kleinwalsertal/ Allgäuer Alpen

Podobni Video posnetki:
Irish & Scottish Landscapes With Celtic Music | Celtic
There's nothing quite like the magic of Celtic music accompanied with captivatin...
Scenic Relaxation Film With Inspiring Music | The Alps
There is no region on earth that I love more than the European Alps! Enjoy this ...
Scenic Wildlife Film With Calming Music | World of Animals
Animals are what make our world so special. Enjoy this 4K Scenic Wildlife film f...
Scenic Relaxation Film With Inspiring Music | The Caribbean
The Caribbean is one of the world's most beautiful regions. Enjoy this 4k Scenic...
Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music | Europe
Europe's beauty, history, and wonder are unmatched to the rest of the world. Enj...
Diese Rundtour führte mich 2006 von Riezlern-Außenschwende über Klausenwald mit Klausenwaldkapelle - Außerwald - Hörnlepass (mit Hörnlepasskapelle) ins Rohrmoostal mit Rohrmoos und dann zurück über die Alpe Osterberg und Außerwaldalpe nach Riezlern-Außerschwende.