Rifugio Francesco GONELLA 21.08.2021

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Two impressive horizontal paths lead you through the great cliffs near Cargeghe ...
feel like an eagle in the vertical rocks | Via Ferrata Adlerhorst
Adlerhorst means eagles nest. This is how you feel when you rest and enjoy this ...
Ladders of death | Via Ferrata Echelles de la Mort
Ladders of death (the French translation of Echelles de la Mort), not really. Sp...
Tipps für Anfänger - Bouldern
Bergführer und Klettertrainer Ulrich Schwingshackl von https://www.klettern-dolo...
Plants of Wolong and the Balan Shan La
This is intended as a “coffee-time talk” ~ an introduction to the rich flora of ...
Partenza dal bosco del Miage 1540 m,
r(bar da Roger)
rrifugio Combal, ghiacciaio del Miage...
1531 mt. dislivello è 5:30h fino al rif. Gonella
Il rifugio Francesco Gonella o Refuge du Dôme (riferito al Dôme du Goûter) è un rifugio situato nel comune di Courmayeur, in val Veny, nel massiccio del Monte Bianco, a 3071 m-