Rid your home of Stink Bugs! (Viewer tested!) - Pesticide-free DIY

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Over 1000 viewers commented on my first Stink Bug video and these deterrents are all based on what they found worked for them! This video is all about how to rid the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) from your house. There are many creative methods described involving dish detergents sprayed on outside walls where they are massing, use of essential oils indoors and out, rubbing aromatic dryer sheets on screens and edges of doors, freezing with pressurized dust-off spray, using wet paper towels, simple light traps and many other methods. I describe how to identify the invasive Brown Marmorated Stink bug and how to distinguish it from native stink bugs species. I show you why these bugs are also called shield bugs. I test using live stink bugs the exact size of crevices they can enter. I show you how to make a Virginia Tech University tested home-made stink bug trap the really works and much more.