Rasiglia e la Magia del Natale rasiglia

Podobni Video posnetki:
Lawinengefahr: Die lawinenbildenden Faktoren – Tutorial (2/16) (Deutsch)
Wetter, Schneedecke & Co.: Welche Faktoren beinflussen die Lawinengefahr? ► Erfa...
The correct way to shovel after an avalanche – tutorial (16/16) (English)
The correct way to use an avalanche shovel ► Learn more in the SAFETY ACADEMY LA...
The right way to perform an avalanche transceiver check – tutorial (11/16) (English)
How do I perform an avalanche transceiver check on a ski tour? ► Learn more in t...
Avalanche types and their trigger mechanisms – tutorial (1/16) (English)
What types of avalanche are there and how are they triggered? ► Learn more in th...
Avalanche danger: the contributing factors – tutorial (2/16) (English)
The weather, snowpack & more: Which factors influence avalanche danger? ► Learn ...
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Rasiglia, piccola frazione del Comune di Foligno, è diventata ormai un'attrazione turistica molto frequentata. Quello che colpisce di questo borgo sono i ruscelli che scorrono tra le strette via del paese.