Rab Phantom Waterproof Pull-On

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With its lightweight features, all-day protection and peerless packability, the Phantom Pull-On is the ultimate stash-and-forget waterproof shell for stripped back mountain runners.

Our Phantom Pull-On shell uses waterproof 2-layer construction, with taped seams and lightweight 7D Pertex® Shield 2.5L fabric, for the ultimate in pocket-packable utility. The use of stretch fabric enables a slimmer cut, which helps reduce bulk; and in place of adjustable toggles, the Phantom Pull-on uses a low-volume elasticated hood, as well as half micro elasticated hem and cuffs, enabling it to pack down into a palm-sized storage sleeve. The absence of pockets and a hooded peak also helps keep the weight down; and a lightweight half-length zip helps deliver effective weather protection without excessive weight.