Pustni karneval v Ilirski Bistrici

Podobni Video posnetki:
EPS. 3 EXPEDITION NORTH - BALESTRAND: Traveling to Gulen, Sognefjord and Norways most artistic town
When clouds cover the most beautiful rugged mountains above endless Fjords - it’...
EPS. 2 EXPEDITION NORTH - BERGEN: From Denmark to Stavanger and one of Norways most beautiful towns
Each journey is different, each journey is unique. I knew that the ride to Nordk...
EPS. 1 EXPEDITION NORTH - THE BALTIC SEA: A motorcycle ride from Switzerland to ECKERNFÖRDE
The beginning of a new journey: Instead of continuing my journey in the west of ...
What is the best ADV motorcycle riding gear for going on a journey like my ride ...
A motorcycle journey from Switzerland to Nordkapp - EXPEDITION NORTH
What if a pandemic hit the world? What if all of your plans would get screwed up...
Pustni karneval v Ilirski Bistici
Člani Društva Invald Bohinj organizira izlet v nedeljo 23. februarja 2020 na Pustni karneval v Ilirsko Bistrico. Pustovanje na Bistriškem, na prireditvi je nastopilo je 27 skupin iz Občine Ilirska Bistrica in Primorske. Dogajanje okrog praznika pomladi je bilo veselo in zanimivo s številnimi izvirnimi maskami, ki so jih predstavili domiselni udeleženci - 25. Pustni karneval v Ilirski Bistrici … https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Objavljalci/author/janez-pikon …