pt 2) - Competion amps up, frenzy puts female toad at risk

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Watch the wild and crazy interactions of horomone-fueled male toads as a lone female finally arrives at the pond in Part 2 of a two part episode on toad spring reproduction. Here you can learn to recognize the mating call or mating sound of males American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) . Only the males engage in this toad chorus. Learn to recognize the male 'release me' sound as male toads jumb at any movement using their two front legs to grasp what they hoped was a female. Watch males toads in competition, competing for the female toad. Find out why the female toad is a risk and may even drown during efforts of male toads to mate with her. See the state called 'amplexus' where a male toad grasps the female from behind with his enlarged front legs. The male and female my stay in amplexus for many hours. Eventually the female will begin to lay eggs and the male clutching here will fertilize them as eggs emerge. Eggs are laid in long single strands. Other males may jump on the mating couple trying to dislodge the male on top of the female toad. Both the male toad on the female toad and the female toad will kick violently to push other males away. They may sink down into the depths of the pond to avoid unwanted male toad attention. Adult toads, unlike gilled toad tapoles, breath oxygen from the air and must resurface to breath. Situations have been reported were the female toad dies, or is drowned, by male toads piling up on her. In this video you can see the female toad coming up for air and breathing in through her nostrils. Watching toads mating is a fascinating experience. The males seem to be in constant movement and physically competing against each other while calling with their distinctive toad trill. Male toads are typically the first to arrive at a pond and will begin calling for many days before female toads arrive. Females are attracted by the calls and will come to the pond to breed and reproduce and lay eggs. Female toads select the male with the loudest call. My channel and videos are dedicated to teaching about biology, nature and environmental science. My channel covers all living things including fungi, plants, insects, crustaceans, arthropods, trees, wildflowers, amphibians and much more. Every episode has unique insights, presents fascinating facts, rich indepth content.