Premužić trail | Father & Daughter Time

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Here we are this morning on Velebit, it's really nice to see the sun because we were cold this morning. It was somewhere between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. As we entered the forest it was a little warmer. Velebit really can surprise us. Premužić's trail, for those who did not follow the canal, is one of the most beautiful trails, perhaps the most beautiful in Croatia. It is not technically difficult, you can reach Zavižana by car, already at a certain height and then the trail has no big ascents and descents. You can take a nice walk along the solid path that goes through the beautiful wilderness. In fact, in many places, it would be very difficult to pass without this trail. This is the part that goes through the forest and later you will see that there are also masonry parts and abysses, it is attractive. We used to go there in the winter, only then you should be careful because of the snow. You should wear crampons and an ice ax to prevent you from slipping and falling into the abyss.