Pregled 33 osvojena vrha + 2020 PLAN | 2019 BRONČANA ZNAČKA

Podobni Video posnetki:
Mont Blanc 4810 from tunnel portal skitour and Rimpfischhorn 4199m
About our adventure to climb the Mont Blanc (4810m) in a day from the Valley wit...
Altenalptürme traverse solo
Traversing the Altenalptürme solo. This is located in the Alpsteinregion in Swit...
Gspaltenhorn Skyrun
Running to this wonderful Summit from Stechelberg is a alpine Marathon. It recom...
I Love Switzerland
A short clip showing some beautiful places in Switzerland. Music and Images by M...
Jubiläumsgrat ab Hammersbach
The Jubiläumsgrat is one of the most spectacular lines in Germany linking the hi...
Osvojena je BRONČANA ZNAČKA za postignuća u 2019-toj godini. U serijalu SVI HRVATSKI VRHOVI obišli smo 33 hrvatska vrha.
⬇️ Više ⬇️