Považský Inovec | Topoľčiansky hrad Tlstá hora

Podobni Video posnetki:
Adam Ondra - Drama to Get the Gold on European Boulder Cup
After 13 YEARS, an international competition for the adult category is back in C...
Shallow water grappling | I tried US Marine corps Martial Arts
Big thanks to the US Marine Corps for allowing me to try this. I have so much re...
Shorts - Petzl Roctrip…Day 1
We’ve been experiencing the Petzl Roctrip in Manikia, Greece. Climbing, Canyonin...
Climbing Daily Ep.1997 - Seb Bouin's Latest + GREATEST Project To Date - DNA
Check out the BRAND NEW EpicTV Merch....Join our Club!  https://bit.ly/3M8b61JSe...
Dry Classics - Overhung + STEEP - Ben Hanna Climbs 'Lee Majors' 8c+/5.14c
Get Ready for your next Sport Climbing Adventure with the EpicTV Shop: https://b...
Topolčiansky hrad a málo známa TLSTÁ HORA, ktorá by skôr pasovala do pohoria Tribeč, ako do Považského Inovca.

Zaujímavosťou je aj to, že kameň z tejto hory bol použitý ako obklad na kaštieli v rekreačnej oblasti Duchonka.