Potres in Studor po letu 1348

Podobni Video posnetki:
Mostnica Gorge (Slovenia)
This is actually a short hike, but it's something you must see. You follow the r...
Kerschbaumeralm (Austria)
This is a fairly easy hike up to the cabin on the Kerschbaumeralm. From here you...
Kaiserbachklamm (Austria) | Kufstein
A hike to the Tischhoferhöhle, the gorge of the Kaiserbach, the Dickicht Chapel,...
Kranzhorn (Austria)
A mountain with a view!...
Waidringer Steinplatte (Austria)
With the comfort of a cable car, it's nice to go to the Waidringer Steinplatte a...
Potres in Studor po v letu 1348
Lepo je sijalo solnce na praznik spreobrnjenja svetega Pavla dne 25. januarja 1348 ob treh popoldne, kar se strese zemlja z grozno silo. Dobrač in Studor, dve različni gori, podobni usodi, morda ob istem času, zaznamujeta različni pokrajini in ljudi ... https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Objavljalci/author/janez-pikon ...