Pot ob žici Barbara's Journal

Podobni Video posnetki:
Chapter 11 - Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Thru Hike
After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon...
Chapter 10 - PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) Thru Hike
After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon...
Chapter 9 - PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) Thru Hike
After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon...
Spielberg Hikes Mt. Whitney
After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon...
Chapter 8 - Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Thru Hike
After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon...
Se ti zdi Ljubljana majhna? Ko prehodiš Pot spominov in tovarištva (PST), postane ogromna! Toda tudi 33 kilometrov v dobri družbi hitro mine.
Naša ekipa se okoli dneva zmage že tradicionalno odpravi na pohod okoli Ljubljane in se veseli novih pohodnikov. Nekaj utrinkov je zbranih v videu.