Podobni Video posnetki:
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 | Chapter 10 - PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) Thru Hike After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon... |
 | Chapter 9 - PCT (Pacific Crest Trail) Thru Hike After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon... |
 | Spielberg Hikes Mt. Whitney After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon... |
 | Chapter 8 - Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Thru Hike After Thru Hiking the Camino de Santiago, the Appalachian Trail, the Tour de Mon... |
Opis: Se ti zdi Ljubljana majhna? Ko prehodiš Pot spominov in tovarištva (PST), postane ogromna! Toda tudi 33 kilometrov v dobri družbi hitro mine. Naša ekipa se okoli dneva zmage že tradicionalno odpravi na pohod okoli Ljubljane in se veseli novih pohodnikov. Nekaj utrinkov je zbranih v videu.