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Everything you need to know about the larva of the Dobsonfly - Ferocious hellgrammites
Hellgrammites are the aquatic stage of the Dobsonfly, one of the largest insects...
Everything you need to know - King Devil, Mouse-ear, and Rattlesnake Hawkweeds are blooming now
The brilliant flowers of Hawkweed species are blooming now across North America ...
Here are 7 ways they are different - What is the difference between Centipedes and Millipedes
In this video I use a Bark Centipede Scolopocryptops sexospinosus, an American G...
Facts, lore and amazing symbiotic relationships with bees & fungi - Pink Lady Slipper/Moccasin Flower
In this video I show viewers how to identify Pink Lady Slipper, introduce differ...
Desmognathus fuscus) - Everything you need to know about the Northern Dusky Salamander
In this video I find a Northern Dusky Salamander and get some great photos and v...
Vsi vemo, da je Slovenija bogata z gozdovi, toda šele ko se povzpneš visoko nad drevesne krošnje, se zaveš, kako prostrana so gozdna območja. Pohorska Pot med krošnjami leži na vrhu Rogle, in sicer na 1517 metrih nadmorske višine. Med kilometrskim sprehodom med krošnjami se ti ponujajo številne izobraževalne table in interaktivne dejavnosti za najmlajše, najlepši razgled pa je seveda z vrha stolpa (če le ne piha kot pri norcih). Če ti je zgolj obisk te poti prekratek, ga lahko podaljšaš s pohodom do Lovrenških jezer ali obiščeš še bližnje smučišče.