Point Walker 4208m AD+ | Grandes Jorasses

Podobni Video posnetki:
Team Turk | Training for Eco Challenge Fiji 2019 (the Toughest Race on Earth)
We're participating in Eco Challenge 2019, which takes places in Fiji. It's cons...
VLOG 5 I Vánoce ve Vietnamu I Time to Fit
Ahoooj! Tak jsem na vaše přání sestříhala i vlog z našeho vietnamského vánočního...
Vietnam I Time to Fit
Hey guys! Just came back from Vietnam and this is the video I produced from my t...
Fall Dolomites (Italy) & Kanin Mountain (Slovenia) I by Time to Fit
Hey guys! Here's my another video! This fall, I came back to the Dolomites again...
Škoda weekend with fabia2018
Ahojteee! Video vzniklo ve spolupráci se ŠKODA ČR na fantastickém víkendu, který...