Po žafrane na Veliko planino

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I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/edit...
Caver Keith Attempts the Birth Canal in Cwm Dwr Quarry Cave
#caving #claustrophobia #stuck Getting stuck deep underground is most people's w...
Caver Keith Tackles the Birth Canal | Coming Soon
#caving #claustrophobia #stuck Getting stuck deep underground is most people's w...
caving essential | HARIBO Starmix
#caving #haribo #caverkeithChunky yet again finds himself in a tight spot. Only ...
Velika planina je verjetno najbolj obiskan vrh v našem sredogorju, s svojimi čari privablja obiskovalce skozi celotno leto. A morda je ravno v času, ko se prebuja narava najlepša in jo prerastejo polja vijoličnih žafranov, najlepša.