plezalka Sara Čopar - Infodrom

Podobni Video posnetki:
8th June 2020 | Emblem & Loevika
Film: Emblem & Loevika, Aalesund, Norway - 8th June 2020.From a flight around Em...
31th May 2020 | Jemtegaard Vacation Center
Film: Valldal, Fjord, Norway - 31th May 2020.From a flight around the aria aroun...
30th May 2020 | Lepsoeya The Bridge
Film: The Bridge, Lepsøey, Norway - 30th May 2020.From a flight around the bridg...
30th May 2020 | Lepsoeya, The Fairytale Forest
Film: The Ferytale Forest, Lepsøey, Norway - 30th May 2020.From a flight around ...
13th May 2020 | Aksla, Aalesund, Norway
Film: Aksla, Aalesund, Norway - 13th May 2020.From a flight around Aksla.The fli...
V Rusiji poteka evropsko mladinsko prvenstvo v plezanju in prav danes že lahko stiskamo pesti za svetovno prvakinjo v kombinaciji v kategoriji starejših deklic. To je 14-letna Sara Čopar iz Plezalnega centra Celje. Pred tem smo jo obiskali na treningu.