Pleasure Trail used to be Loamer

Podobni Video posnetki:
Kislica Stenica 1 januar 2015
Drugi video 1.januarja prehojene poti v razširjeni verziji z pogledom na pot.......
Kislica 994m in Stenica 1091m januar 2016
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Raduha 2062m december 2015
Začetek pohoda ob krasnem sončnem vzhodu v bližini kmetije Radušnik.Pot skozi go...
Boč in Dreveniška gora november 2015
The latest in greatest in Squamish, Pleasure Trail! SORCA was generous enough to give me permission to post this run through the trail, so please respect this trail by staying off it when it's wet (there are great alternative trails at the top that handle water far better than Pleasure Trail does). This was my first time down the trail, and...I'll let the video speak for itself! Braden kept escaping me on a lot of the raunchier sections, crazy man.