Planina Za Migovcem

Podobni Video posnetki:
Bergevceva (Slovenia)
The thing that struck us the most is that the first part is very beautiful with ...
Slivarske Ponikve (Slovenia 2020)
The Slivarske Ponikve is one of two caves, which are connected through a sump. T...
Grotte de Perseverance (Belgium)
I visited this cave the last time in 2002, the quarry around it has changed a lo...
Grotta dei Pisoliti (Italy)
This time, we visited two very small caves, but made some nice video's (so we th...
Grotta delle Colonne (Italy)
This time, we visited two very small caves, but made some nice video's (so we th...
Planina Za Migovcem
V modro nebo se dviga Podrta gora in okoliški vršaci. Počitek na slikoviti planini za Migovcem izkoristim za ogled nekdaj žive planine, ki je že dolgo opuščena in z ostanki karavle, sledi stanov in Snežno konto sameva pod Bohinjskim Migovcem ... ...