Planina Spodnji Tosc

Podobni Video posnetki:
Music: Sound Adventures - Magnificent Journey Rasmus Faber & Syke`N`Sugarstarr -...
Jetmund Gjesteheim (English)
Three impressive sections, also for beginners | Via Ferrata Braunwald
The first two sections I rate as easy to medium difficult and are also ideal for...
The great granite walls of the Schoellenen gorge | Via Ferrata Diavolo
This via ferrata I see as ideal for beginners, I rate it as easy to medium diffi...
Adventure along great waterfalls | ViaFerrata Allmenalp
At this spectacular via ferrata we climbed along four great waterfalls.For more ...
Planina Spodnji Tosc
Zapuščena visokogorska planina pod Toscem. Podjevci so planino uporabljali predvsem za pašo volov v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, starejši domačini se tega še spominjajo, kdaj in kakšno je bilo takrat življenje na planini … …