PETZL Tower Solutions

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Ned Feehally and Shauna Coxsey boulder 8A at Västervik, Sweden
Shauna Coxsey, Mina Leslie-Wujastyk, Ned Feehally and Dave Mason were invited to...
Mina Leslie-Wujastyk climbs Gentleman's Project (V11), Joe's Valley, Utah
A little short of a great problem in Joe's Valley. Mina Leslie-Wujastyk climbs G...
Thriller V10, The Force V9 and King Cobra V8 - Yosemite
Three classic boulder problems in the Camp 4 area of Yosemite: Thriller V10, The...
How to climb at Malham Cove - Respect the Rock
Malham Cove - one of Britain's greatest limestone sport climbing cliffs. It's up...
Northumberland - Respect The Rock
Northumberland is an amazing place. It's way up there, and it can feel more like...
Working on towers, antennas, and wind turbines requires a specific set of skills and the right equipment. VERTEX helmets, VOLT and VOLT WIND harnesses, ABSORBICA-Y energy-absorbing and GRILLON work-positioning lanyards to name a few… Petzl provides specialists with 50 years of experience and expertise in the vertical world so that they can excel at their jobs using the best possible equipment available.