Perfecto Mundo - Animal Style

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Check out another episode how I battled on Perfecto Mundo. After visit of Patxi and training on a campus board on the terrace for almost two weeks, there was a two-day window of quite decent conditions with lower humidity. The weather forecast was pretty grim for the few days following that, so the pressure was on, but psyche was ON too. ENGLISH SUBTITLES AVAILABLE IN THE VIDEO SETTINGS ČESKÉ TITULKY JSOU DOSTUPNÉ V NASTAVENÍ VIDEA Get yourself amazed by beautiful pictures in my photobook - AO Book: Have you seen this video of mine ?! Thumbnail picture by: Petr Chodura STORY BY ADAM ONDRA DIRECTED & EDITED BY LACO KORBEL CAMERA LACO KORBEL ADAM LIGOCKI PRODUCTION KATEŘINA KUŘÁTKOVÁ JAKUB PÍNA SUBTITLES BY JARKA MARČEKOVÁ EXECUTIVE PRODUCER PAVEL BLAŽEK SONGLIST Chill Study - Mediterranean Sundance Yan Perchuk - Regrets RJ Wilx - Infinity Engine RJ Wilx - Star System Michelle Carter - Expanded Margins Tellent Studio - Breathe Life Into © 2020 AO PRODUCTION S.R.O. #climbing #perfectomundo #onthego #trying #margalef #catalonia #spain #rockclimbing #campusboard