PELJEŠKI MOST trenutni izgled *LJETO 2021

Podobni Video posnetki:
Trail Running with Kaytlyn Gerbin
Whether you're new to trail running entirely or a seasoned veteran pursuing a ne...
The North Face - ROAD TO BREAKING 20
In 2019, Pau Capell did the unthinkable and set the greatest Tour du Mont Blanc ...
'The real barrier is not the physical ability. If you find your own access, defi...
The North Face - LE VOYAGE
“Le Voyage is one of, if not the best trad first ascent I have ever done”: that’...
August 20 is Global Climbing Day
Join us for this worldwide celebration of the climbing community and the opportu...
Pogledaj trenutni izgled Pelješkog mosta, ljeto 2021. Kopno i Pelješac su gotovo spojeni. Ostaje samo nekoliko kratkih spojeva za dovršiti.

U videu možemo vidjeti pogled na most iz Komarne s sjeverne strane i s magistrale južno od mosta.