Papilio antimachus hill-topping on Mont Richard Molard, Nimba Mountains, Guinea

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The African Giant Swallowtail - Papilio antimachus, the largest African butterfly seeks mate hill-topping on Mont Richard Molard (1752 m asl), the highest summit of the Nimba Mountains in Guinea. The butterfly lives in rainforest but males are active hill-toppers, who occupy the highest available spot in their habitat, in this case the grassy summit of the mountain, where the butterfly can't actually land, because it's too heavy to sit on the soft grass, so it keeps flying around until it's flight time is over. For more information about hill-topping of P. antimachus please download the following paper, which is freely available online: Sáfián, Sz. (2013): Observation of hill-topping behaviour by the Giant African Swallowtail - Papilio antimachus Drury, 1782 and other recent records from Liberia (West Africa) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Shilap Revista de Lepidopterología 41(163):323-329.