paddling och fjällvandring i Härjedalen och Dalarna (Del 1 av 2) | Rogen & Grövelsjön

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17 Cicada PART TWO Brood IX Southwest Virginia May 2020
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White Clover Trifolium repens Yellow Clover Trifolium procumbens Biology, natural history, uses
There is so much you can learn from clovers in your yard! Flower opening strate...
Oxalis stricta - Lemon Clover - Sour Grass
What gives this native plant a sour or lemony taste? Is it really safe to eat? ...
Wild Strawberry, Indian Strawberry and Cinquefoil is in your backyard
Featuring common plants and telling their 'stories' that you can find in your b...
is this really daisy? Does it keep fleas away? Folklore and science - Daisy Fleabane
A plant considered a weed by many has a rich history and lore but also beautiful...
Paddling och vandring under fem dagar från Käringsjön i Rogens naturreservat i Härjedalen, till Grövelsjön i Dalarna. Via bland annat Svealands högsta berg Storvätteshågna. Övernattning i tält (Hilleberg Allak) och vindskydd. Paddling med hyrd packraft från (som även bistod med skjuts från Grövelsjön till Käringsjön, 3 h enkelt tur). Del 1 av 2.