Pa spet Skuta-2532m

Podobni Video posnetki:
Threading the Needle - Britain’s Mountain Challenges
Ben Weeks takes on the challenge of Threading the Needle: a short but serious sc...
Li (V13) and other hard Hueco Tanks classics - Desert Days
British climbers Dave Mason and Mina Leslie-Wujastyk escape the UK for the bould...
Mina Leslie-Wujastyk boulders V11 and V12 at Joe's Valley, Utah
One of those weekends when everything comes together: Jigsaw (V11), Milkman Sit ...
Aonach Eagach scrambling - Britain's Mountain Challenges
Take a trip along the stunning ridge of Aonach Eagach in Glen Coe, Scotland. The...
Tryfan and Bristly Ridge scrambling - Britain's Mountain Challenges
Dan Aspel gives us a taste of the two classic ridge scrambles in Snowdonia: Tryf...
Pa spet v gore tokrat na Skuto-2532m.Začetek poti v Kamniški Bistrici preko Žmavcarjev do bivaka pod Skuto kjer pa je bilo že kar precej vetrovno.Do stika z markirano potjo ki poteka prečno čez Male pode po tej malo v ovinek in pod Kranjsko Rinko do Streže(južni greben Skute).Po tej poti proti vrhu.V kakšni uri dosežem vrh kjer je precej pihalo na trenutke silni sunki vetra.Sestop pa zahodni poti pod Dolgi hrbet do bivaka pod Grintovec in na Kokrsko sedlo od koder pa v dolino na izhodišče.