Opatija | Lungomare

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Mine Tunnel In Estelle, GA
We believe this is the Northeast Estelle Mine Tunnel in North Georgia. there are...
Kayaking A Big Underground Mine
This is the same marble mine we went into last video. https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Warwoman Creek Whitewater Kayaking, 2.2 ft
We put in on Warwoman Creek in north Georgia right after the first bridge on ear...
Exploring A Deep And Cavernous Marble Mine
This marble mine is in north Georgia and is the deepest marble mine we have been...
Kayaking Middle Tallulah River@365 CFM
We kayaked the middle stretch of the Tullulah river in Georgia, from highway 441...
Lungomare, Opatija

Trčimo šetnicom Franje Josipa 'Lungomare', jednom od najljepših mjesta za jutarnje trčanje uz more. Jako nam se svidio kontrast vrhunskog urbanizma s jedne i stjenovite obale uz otvoreno more s druge strane.