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Opis: Hi guys, today we bring you with us on one of the best activities you can do in Oludeniz, Turkey which is Scuba Diving ! This is one of the many activities in Oludeniz you can do, there is also Paragliding (which we will show in the next video coming) , you can do Boat Tour rides to one of the many island surounding such as Blue Lagoon, Turtle Island and many more ! Scuba diving in Oludeniz is far one of the best things we did there, Ellie took a dive into a clear blue water where comercial fishing is forbiden, that means so clear water and many fishes to witness. This experience was only $100 with certificate included that allows you to dive anywhere in the world up to 12 meters ( Pretty neat i would say) so if you have anymore question please leave them in the comments and we will try to answer them.