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12 interviews with the Sweden Lapporten 2.1KM team - What is it like walking HUGE highline
Walking a giant highline is very very different than a highline 300 meters or le...
EMO vs MMO break tests + stone knot, clove hitch and figure 8
THIS IS VIDEO 10 OF 10 - See textbook
BIG climber lead falls for science. You won't believe the forces
Tanner is 290lbs or 131kg and he climbs. We wanted to know what forces he gets ...
How strong is Petzl 8 descender
THIS IS VIDEO 9 OF 10 - See textbook
Corroded Caving Carabiners and Hangers Break Tests
Hunter Campbell sent us some old corroded cave gear and we pulled it till it sna...
Centro del subappennino marchigiano (AP), il cui territorio è posto interamente tra le valli del fiume Tesino (a nord) e del fiume Tronto (a sud). Il centro abitato deve la sua pianta irregolare allo sperone roccioso sul quale sorge, ritagliato dai due rami sorgentizi del torrente Lama, affluente di sinistra del Tronto.