Oddaja Gorske sledi; Martina Čufar

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the kom that got me banned
I only learned these jumps a couple of months ago, and this has turned into quit...
MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Boney Elbows
If there's one thing I never want, it's an Alice Lake KOM...I'm going to make an...
A Huge Feature Hiding Deep in the Forest
Well that was quite the adventure. Duggies turned out to be an amazing hidden ge...
Enduro vs XC, Which Bike is Faster
Cross country bikes have made insane gains over the past few years, and so have ...
MTB - The Backwoods - Skidding Through Clear-cut
Occasionally you'll come across a trail that is so unique that you'll struggle t...
Martina Čufar velja za eno od začetnic tekmovalnega športnega plezanja pri nas. Po končani bogati in uspešni tekmovalni karieri se je popolnoma posvetila plezanju v gorah in nižjih naravnih stenah. Prispevek je bil posnet leta 2007.