NP Veľká Fatra | KĽAK 1394 m.n.m.

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Hiking and Igloo Building | A Solo Expedition in Switzerland
Stay Zen, please show your support with my new apparel:https://my-store-db05d5.c...
Sleeping Alone on Mountaintop in Switzerland
Stay Zen, please show your support with my new apparel:https://my-store-db05d5.c...
A Solo Hike | Remote Summit in the Swiss Alps
Stay Zen, please show your support with my new apparel:https://my-store-db05d5.c...
First Snow | Hiking Alone in St. Moritz
Stay Zen, please show your support with my new apparel:https://my-store-db05d5.c...
Solo Hike | The Wildhorn Traverse
Stay Zen, please show your support with my new apparel:https://my-store-db05d5.c...
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Veľkofatranský Kľak s výškou 1394 m.n.m.