Normalweg | Großvenediger (3666m) Besteigung

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MTB - Earth - Secret Trail 16
This trail is just relentless. It's basically tech move after tech move, and yet...
MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - 'So Enduro Bro'
This was a quick race training lap I did back in October from Mushroom lot to th...
MTB - Lago di Garda, Italy - Val del Diaol
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MTB - Halton Agreement Forest, Milton, Ontario - Christmas Trail
How about this for a seasonally appropriate video? Christmas Trail on Christmas ...
MTB - Guelph Lake, Guelph, Ontario - Homestead
Turns so tight my gimbal can't even keep up. Sprint, brake, sprint, brake... Try...
Traumtour auf den Großvenediger im August 2019:)