Nočný výstup na Inovec 17-18.7.2015

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3 Years Of Fighting - Intermezzo 7C
I first saw and tred Intermezzo two summers ago, after a shoulder injury and the...
Climbing Daily Ep.1836 - Matt Gets SWEATY To Test The Wild Country Mosquito Harness
When we test gear...we like to do it properly. The NEW Wild Country Mosquito is ...
Climbing Daily Ep.1835 - Matt And Staša Gejo Session 7C's In Chironico
We were invited to hang out and climb with pro climber Staša Gejo and the Unpara...
Climbing Daily Ep.1834 - Steve McClure CLAWS His Way To An E8 FLASH
Steve McClure is in fine form in the UK flashing a dangerous E8, and on the comp...
24 HOURS With The World Cup Climbing Champion DOMEN ŠKOFIC
An intimate look at the life of Slovenian Climbing World Champion Domen Škofic...
V. ročník nočného výstupu na najvyšší vrch Považského Inovca - Inovec 1042 m.n.m. 17-18.7.2015.