návod na trasu k reťaziam | ferratkou | Veľký Gríč

Podobni Video posnetki:
A Year Hiking in the UK and Scandinavia
l hope you enjoy the summary of my hikes in the UK and Scandinavia during 2021. ...
Chapter 12 | Nordkalottleden 'Autumn in Finland'
Chapter 12. kilpisjärvi has treated me well. l could find everything l needed in...
Chapter 11 | Nordkalottleden 'Europe's last wilderness'
Chapter 11. The Nordkalottleden takes me back to Sweden. With pain in my heart, ...
Chapter 10 | Nordkalottleden
Chapter 10. l leave behind Daertahytta's toilet which saved me from pitching the...
2 Duomids | Lake District Wild Camping
A viewer of my channel, James and l went to the Lake District having in mind wil...
Mnohé trasy na V. Gríč. sú neznačené, tak aspoň táto je orientáciou najľahšia.
Vychádza od Hornonitrianskych baní po betónke.
Dĺžka 5,5 km na vrchol V. Gríču.
Značená je amatérsky dvoma vodorovnými pásikmi modrej značky.