Nath and Hayleys Canoe Part 2

Podobni Video posnetki:
Vall de Gallinera | Cresta de Al-Azraq
Track en wikiloc:
Mall Pintrat (2.845 m.)
Track en wikiloc:
Tuca Pasolobino (2.783 m.)
Track wikiloc:
Pico Estiba Freda 2.701 m
Track en wikiloc:
Cresta del Molló de la Creu (Gandia)
Como se me olvido el gps, detallo aquí la reseña.Saliendo por la CV675 en direcc...
Nath is back in the shed with part 2 of the Canoe build. Things are moving much quicker than this in real life but Tre is quite a bit behind with the editing.

If you're interested in building a canoe, then maybe this is the series for you. Join Nath and Hayley as they construct a plywood / fibreglass canoe from plans purchased online.