Náš Land Rover Defender s expediční výbavou

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Deciduous tree biology, photosynthesis/xylem/phloem, bark ID, history of and DIY Maple Syrup making
In this video I visit a Maple Tree in mid-winter in the Southern Appalachian Mou...
SNOW SHOE FUN in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA
So what is it - Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides) Not Spanish, Not moss.and has no roots
Spanish Moss drapes trees in the south and gives the huge live oaks of Savanah, ...
Some strategies and tracking animals in the snow - How do organisms survive winter
In this video I walk through the frozen and snow covered landscaped of a deciduo...
Delectable winter forage prize, but did you know it is also carnivorous predator - Oyster Mushrooms
In this episode a friend calls me to ask about a mushroom that was actively grow...
Slibovala jsem ho rok, ale až teď jsme to s Jardou dali dohromady. Už je to rok, co jsme si pořídili Land Rover Defender a tuníme si ho campingovou výbavou. Co všechno jsme už vyměnili/dodělali a co všechno máme před sebou? To se dozvíš ve vlogu!