najdaljši vztrajnostni pohod v Sloveniji | Po medvedovih stopinjah

Podobni Video posnetki:
Cinematic FPV Relaxation Film with Calming Music | Switzerland
Switzerland is home to some of the world's most beautiful landscapes! Enjoy this...
Scenic Relaxation Film with Calming Music | Norway
Norway is one of the most scenic countries in the world. Enjoy this 4K relaxatio...
Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music | Scotland
Scotland is one of the most magical countries in the world. Enjoy this 4K relaxa...
Cinematic FPV Relaxation Film | Faroe Islands
The Faroe Islands are home to of the world's most dramatic landscapes! Enjoy thi...
Scenic Relaxation Film with Calming Music | Winter Wonderland
Winter is a magical time of year as the world is covered in a blanket of snow an...
Pot Po medvedovih stopinjah je speljana po trasi Roške pešpoti, ki nas popelje prek skrivnostne in dolga leta na pol prepovedane visoke kraške planote Kočevski Rog.
Pred 2. Svetovno vojno so na planoti prevladovali kočevski nemci in gozdarji, danes pa je planota po večini slabo poseljena, nekdanje vasi pa zapuščene.